Monday, September 19, 2011

9/2011 Camping Trip: Swartswood Lake, NJ

Location: Swartswood Lake, NJ; Emmetts Lake House
Weather: mid-60's to mid-40's; partially cloudy and cool

      Breakfast: Pancakes, Bacon, Orange Juice and Coffee
      Lunch: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Brownies
      Dinner: Pot Roast, Spaetzle, Corn on the Cob, Brownies, Popcorn
      Breakfast: Taylor Ham, Egg & Cheese in a Pita

Well, this was our first trip of the 2011-12 season, and as usual, this is the trip to really figure out what equipment we need (or forgot), what needs to be replaced, what needs to be fixed, and what needs to be cleaned because it didn't get put away properly the last time we used it.

The first lesson I think we all learned is that mother nature has a sense of humor. Initially, the location was chosen so that if it was unseasonably warm (or seasonally warm depending on climate change) there would be the opportunity to take a dip in the lake, and have some fun in the water.

So of course what that means is its the perfect time for a double cold front to push through.

However, 101 being 101 we were for the most part prepared. A few of us wished that we had brought an extra jacket or fleece, or even a pair of light gloves, but the fire pit kept us warm, and the Scouts with us stayed in the boat house, while the adults slept under the stars.

Despite the cold, the boys managed to do a little canoeing, and explored a small island and found a few metal artifacts, as well as a little kayaking, and a trip in Mr. Emmetts' M-Scow sailboat. There was a light breeze heading out, and the paddling back the last 100 yards or so helped the Scouts burn off the morning's pancakes...

After that, we got into an impromptu fishing tournament, between the scoutmaster, one of the assistants, and both Scouts. We were competing for "Scoutmaster for the night" as well as bragging rights, and happily, the Scoutmaster stayed the Scoutmaster for the duration of the trip, followed closely by one of our newest Scouts. Our oldest Scout, however, managed to catch the largest Sunfish - the 13' sailboat variety. Parked on a dock. With no sail. He also managed to catch two docks, and cast so hard out that he shattered the bobber on the line. While our assistant Scoutmaster was attempting to fish, he didn't manage to catch one, however, he did dump enough breadcrumbs in the water to keep the fish near the "quay".

After the "fishing derby" the adults cooked dinner while the Scouts worked on the requirements for the Boy Scout rank, and afterward we sat around the fire talking and enjoying the crisp night air.

Finally, on a more somber note, we did have one fatality this weekend. Our 1st Assistant Scoutmaster discovered that while one can kayak and take pictures with a waterproof digital camera, the manufacturer does suggest using a float when on the water in case the camera goes overboard. The manufacturer was, in fact, correct on that fact. Sadly, he lost the camera overboard, and it now is resting comfortably in Davy Jones' locker. Despite deepwater salvage efforts, the camera could not be located and is considered lost. Happily, there were no important (or incriminating) images lost, though we have no images from the weekend.

All in all a good camping trip. Now to clean the gear, repack, and on to the next adventure...

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