Monday, June 11, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend: 101 Family Picnic

To mark the end of our year, Troop 101 likes to have our Annual Family Picnic to have an evening of food, fun and a few awards.

This year was no exception. We had our traditional fair of burgers and hotdogs, along with side salads, regular salads, a whole bunch of desserts and a little island music to top it off. We dragged out the volleyball set, had a few games, and all in all, had a really great time - and the mosquitoes seemed to be staying at bay!

The weather was great, and thanks to our resident grille master, Mr. Emmetts, everything was cooked just right and tasted wonderful. Also a thanks to Mr. Emmetts (the younger) for making sure we had everything we needed for night.

We didn't have any awards to hand out, but just getting together where everyone can chat and eat is maybe all we needed - and not too much Scout business was discussed.

Pictures are here.

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