Monday, October 22, 2012

2012 Fall Court of Honor

Our season always starts off with our annual Fall Court of Honor. Every year, this event allows us to award all the merit badges and rank advancements that happened over the summer at camp, as well as an opportunity to discuss the events and shenanigans that happened at camp, and what is coming up in the troop's schedule for the year with all the parents and family of our Scouts.

This past summer we had 5 Scouts attend, with the awarding of over 30 merit badges combined with 5 partial completion of merit badges for Astronomy, and one rank advancement for Mike "Foot" Kane to Second Class.

We also showed our friends and family the award that, in combination with Troop 222, Troop 101 won for the weekly Water Carnival at Camp Turrell - the Silver Oar Award for Second Place!

This is actually more of an achievement than it appears. Troop 101 had 5 Scouts, while Troop 222 had all of 3 Scouts (now you know why they combined us into one team). For a total of 8 Scouts competing against troops not only twice their size numerically but also physically, second place is quite the accomplishment!

We ended the night with a new tradition (but my personal favorite) of having all the boys stand in front of the room and tell their families not only what they did at camp, but answer questions about their favorite part of camp, or merit badge, or what they learned, if it was fun, etc. etc. Why is this my favorite part? Because its amazing how quickly a chatty little Scout all the rest of the time clams up once he's in front of a group people! We actually have grandparents drive 5 hours just to see that part of the night!

It was great night of recognizing the hard work of our scouts, and also having a little fun - and maybe embarrassing them a little to. Troop 101 - proving once again that we work hard and play a little bit harder.

Unfortunately, we've had so much going on this year (and its only October!) that we're still sifting through photos. I'll get them up as soon as I can.

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