Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Eagle Scout Nick Eliades

Thanksgiving weekend, Troop 101 and its leaders were very proud to present Nick Eliades with his Eagle Rank Award.

Nick has been with the troop since he was 11, and has worked long and hard to earn his Eagle Rank. He successfully completed his Eagle Scout project, which was cleaning and organizing his church's basement storage area, earned a minimum of 21 merit badges, served in a leadership position within the troop at the rank of Life for 6 months, and passed a Board of Review made up of leaders from the Council.

Nick is also a second generation Eagle Scout - his father, Maios, and his Uncle John (who are twins) earned their Eagle Ranks together back in... well, we don't want to really say, other than it was prior to Nick...very, very prior to Nick. Both were present at the ceremony, and in their original BSA uniforms!

Nick is the 55th Eagle Scout to earn the rank within the 75 year history of the troop.

Pictures to follow...

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