Friday, March 22, 2013

2013 Winter Court of Honor

Once again Troop 101 had its annual Winter Court of Honor & Dinner. We had our usual fare with all the parents lending a hand a cooking a dish so no one person had to do all the work, and with a buffet this year, everything went quite smoothly.

Congratulations to the three Scouts who attained the rank of Second Class, as well as the merit badges that they completed together: Emergency Preparedness. (A special thanks to Mr. Berg who made that happen).

We also had a special presentation: since all of our Scouts are roughly the same age and rank, I had been doing double duty as both scoutmaster and senior patrol leader (with occasional temporary help). Now that our Scouts are moving up in rank, the time has come to start getting back to our roots as a boy-led troop. So, I would like to congratulate CJ as our new Senior Patrol Leader! The boys will now work (through CJ) to start planning our meetings as well as our events on camping trips to make sure that they complete and understand all the skills they needs as they work towards their Eagle awards.

Does that mean that I have less of a job to do? Of course not. It means that I can shift some of my attention into recruiting more boys for CJ to boss around lead on trips and at summer camp. We are always looking for new recruits and if you know anyone interested that is between 11 and 17 come on down and see us on a Friday night! (Info is on the right side of this page).

Not an 11 year-old? or a boy? We run programs for everyone! Our Pack is one of the first to now have a Lions den - a den that is for kindergarten age boys who can work their way up through the pack and eventually join the troop. It is the first in our district, and only the third in our whole council! The Pack can now accept your son from kindergarten (age 6?) to 10 (or 6th grade) and then they can join the troop. Our High Adventure Crew will take your son or daughter and basically go and do rock-climbing, white water rafting, and we'll teach them basically everything our Scouts do. (Which makes it fun to have Scouts vs. Crew events...)

Best part of all? We all meet at the same place on the same night of the week. One stop and drop all your kids off and have a night at... Dunkin' Donuts. Yeah... that's where you'll be...

Did I get off topic?

I wish I could end this post on a happy note, but we had to give Mike "Foot" Kane the boot... (insert rim-shot here). Mike turned 18 and we now have to find a nice place for him to pasture. If you would like a former Boy Scout and sci-fi aficionado, please let me know. He's house broken and can operate small machinery and supposedly has a provincial driver's license. In all seriousness, we wish Mike the best of luck in the future, and we hope that he meets a nice girl, gets married, and... brings back sons to add to the Pack and Troop.

Congratulations to everyone who earned something!

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