Tuesday, May 28, 2013

2013 Troop 101 Family Picnic

Darth Vader BBQ illustration by Kim Herbst

My god, is it that time of year already?  It really is amazing how fast time flies when you are Scouting. May starts coming to and end, and so essentially does our Scouting year - which means it was time for the annual Troop 101 Family Picnic.

It was a great time had by all (as far as I know) with a major thanks to Mr. Emmetts our committee chairman who once again was the... Prince of the Propane...? (I was looking for some sort of whitty title, but there aren't any B noble titles.)

No wait; Maharaja of the Meats!  

Hmm...yeah. We'll go with that for now. *ahem* Let me try that again.

It was a great time had by all (as far as I know) with a major thanks to Mr. Emmetts our committee chairman who once again was the Maharaja of the Meats and worked the grille like a master. Mrs. Emmetts also gets a special thanks for assisting with the food prep and work. Thanks to all who helped set up.

Mass quantities were consumed and lots of volleyball was played, and all in all, a very nice evening.

Wish I had more, but since we are a family show at a dry church, there aren't very many whacky antics shenanigans going on. 


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