Sunday, October 6, 2013

2013 Asbury Park Zombie Walk

Well, we started out September with such high hopes, however our first month was... less than spectacular.

Then October came, and our first weekend was spectacular! Friday we found a potential new Scout, and Saturday we got all zombied up and headed down to the Asbury Park boardwalk to participate in the annual Asbury Park Zombie Walk!

Last year, the NJ's honor was taken away when Minneapolis took the Guinness World Record for most zombies in one place at one time. NJ, and Asbury Park in particular, were determined to get those bragging rights back, so all the zombies of NJ descended on the Asbury Park beach.

Despite being unseasonably warm, the turn out was great and we beat out Minneapolis for the record by over 1,000 zombies! That means that Troop 101 is now in the Guinness Book of World Records! (We were also pretty popular with everyone down there too - not only were we a themed group, we were an actual Scout Troop!) Everyone is already working on improvements to our costumes...

On top of that, we were approached by a National Geographic photographer who is compiling a book about zombies... or maybe the zombie phenomenon. We don't know yet. At any rate, we were photographed by a NG photographer and are going to be in a book! (and its not about Scouting!)

How cool is that?!

I'd love to post pics, but we're having a few issues at the moment. I'll update later.

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