Wednesday, March 7, 2012

2012 Pinewood Derby

Gentlemen, start your engines!

Troop 101 participated in the annual Pack 101 Pinewood Derby. For those who don't know, the Pinewood Derby (not to be confused with the Space Derby, the Rain gutter Regatta, or the Demolition Derby) is an event held every year by Cub packs that requires the Cub Scout to create a Pinewood Derby car out of a kit. Sometimes the cars become works of art, or aeronautical science projects, but in the end, the only real rule is no propellants, and the car must weigh 5 ounces.

The Troop and Pack have over the last few years been competing together, with different categories for Cub Pack, Troop, Adult, and even "Pack Buddies" (siblings of the Cub Scouts.)

It was a fun filled afternoon of racing, with everyone walking away with an award of some sort. The Troop's own CJ won overall for the troop - which was surprising as his car was based off of what looked like a Dodge pickup.

This has been an event that goes back as far as I can remember - though only for Cub Packs. One of the reasons the troop participated is because at our level, we focus more on Scout skills (with events like the Klondike Derby) that in just plain being creative and having fun. However, rumor is that National has decided to attempt to do a Pinewood Derby like event at the Boy Scout level... and is that CO2 powered cars that I see...

Stay tuned with that one. I'm sure in traditional 101 fashion, we'll build them with a rocket of some sort...because what's a race without a spectacular crash?

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