Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Scout Sunday: A Scout is Reverent

Every year, one Sunday on February is chosen to be Scout Sunday by the religious organization that charters the a troop. (In our case, its the United Methodist Church in Wayne.)

The Scouts attend the morning service (along with any other BSA groups, including Pack 101 and Crew 100) and assist in (in our case) handing out bulletins, assisting parishioners to their seats, and handling the collection. After the service, we run the "coffee and" time, serving morning goodies, along with coffee and tea.

We may not have done all that much for the service, but our presence is known by the parishioners, and what better way to get new Scouts than through your charter organization?

Remember: a Scout is reverent - whatever religion that may be. We at Troop 101 don't see you as Catholic, Methodist, Jewish or Muslim - we see you as a Boy Scout.

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